Loft Beds?

Loft beds get me really excited.
What kid wouldn’t love a loft bed? I mean, it would of been my dream come true.
My friend Whitney and her husband Kevin, recently built this loft bed for their little boy.
{image via Match Interiors}
I absolutely love it.
Those two are truly amazing.
Check out how they did it here.
Since Emory will be turning 4 next month (what!!) I am toying with the idea of doing a loft bed in her room.
Of course mine wouldn’t be built-in (my construction skills are weak!), but semi-custom.
 I love the look, how much space they save, and how functional they are. 
So what are your thoughts, thumbs up or thumbs down to loft beds?


  1. says

    I really love loft beds in a kids room – they free up so much space for playing or schoolwork. You just have to make sure they can get down to go to the bathroom at night!!!

  2. says

    thumbs UP – as long as they have a bumper 🙂 Believe it or not I slept in a lofted in bed in college and yes, I even had a bumper (did I really just admit to that?) It can be scary up there!!

    xo, Liz

  3. says

    I think they are great space savers, but they do have their downside (changing sheets as someone mentioned and safety). We thought about it for our daughter’s room when she was younger, but we have ceiling fans since it gets so hot in the summer…the loft would be too close to it no matter where we placed it so we opted for a regular bed instead.

  4. says

    My friend had one for her son and didn’t like it. She said its hard for cuddling, reading books, and when they get sick. I’ve been considering a one or a bunk bed for a fun place to hang out and then sleep on the bottom, but that wouldn’t solve your problem.

  5. says

    So cute! I wish I had had a loft bed as a kid! The pennants hanging from it remind me of Robert Allen’s Rancho Rio fabric that we have on our site. It would be perfect to do some drapes or maybe a pillor, quilt, or other bedding with before your friends’ little one isn’t so little!

    Or if you’re looking for a girl, Fabricut’s Fliying high is also delightful!

  6. says

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  7. says

    Thumbs up to the loft bed! I recently purchased one from Ikea for my daughter who is five for the same reason. Now she has more room to play and loves the bed! It was also fun re-designing her room!

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